Bearing this thought in mind we focus on learning which is beyond classroom teaching and remains throughout the life. Role of education is not just to render cognizance or tool to live life better,but its more encompassing as to provide values, ethics, and much more to make one a better human being.
"With warm wishes and Almighty’s blessings”.
Gurinder Sehgal
Read MoreI extend my warm greetings to you. At the Brilliance World School, the future of your child will be in safe hands and every child will be given ample opportunities to enable him/her to be a useful member of the family, society and nation.
The primary focus at Brilliance World is not only on imparting knowledge but also on developing mind, body and spirit. The real purpose of education here is to develop children into critical thinkers and global citizens.
Read MoreSchool celebrated National pollution prevention day on 2nd December 2015 in the school assembly.
School's has the facility of transportation
There are 96 class rooms in the school which are fully equipped with required furniture
A balanced personality is the outcome of opportunities provided during the childhood. The exposure and knowledge offered to a child result in shaping a perfect character. The role of school in training an individual is not determined by the quantity it has produced but by the quality of scholarship imparted by it and its impact on the students. A school is an institution where students learn the fundamentals of life and gather experiences for future. The educators at this Top CBSE School in Panchkula hold responsibility to ensure a world-class teaching while sharing their wisdom.